A2088XT Errorcodes
Die Errorcodes werden auf Port 80h ausgegeben.
Benötigt wird mindestens das BIOS A2088 3.7 A1k Rev. 0.1a
Errorcode | Kurzbechreibung | Bechreibung |
01h | CPU Check | Check 8088 Flags, ALU and Registers by Fail Errorcode 03h |
02h | CPU Check | CPU Registertest pass |
03h | CPU Check | Check 8088 failed afterwards CPU HLT |
04h | Searching DIAG ROM | Searching DIAG ROM at C0000 |
05h | DIAG ROM detected | Jump to $C000:Bh regular BIOS ends here |
30h | Eprom Checksum | Calculates checksum and check result. |
31h | Eprom Checksum failed | CPU HLT |
10h | Test 8253 Timer 1 | Test 8253 Timer 1 (Memory refresh counter) by Fail Jump to Diagnostic |
40h | Test 8237 DMA Controller | Check DMA 0 and Page Registers by Fail Jump to Diagnostic |
61h | Check for 1st kByte RAM | by Fail Jump to Diagnostic |
F1h | Test FARDAY | Test FARDAYs SWITCH and CONTROL register by OK Initialize Faraday otherwise Jump to Diagnostic |
50h | Test 8259 PIC | by OK Initialize POC otherwise Jump to Diagnostic |
F2h | Floppy Configuration | Init floppy interface by Fail print Errormessage |
6Ah | Wait for Amiga | Loop until Janus is up |
80h | Get current video mode from system switch | and Init video controller |
81h | Test for Video roms at C0000 | and Print manufacturer's signon |
E1h | Check Printer | and display base address |
E2h | Check Serial | and display base address |
20h | Test Timer 2 | by Fail print Errormessage |
A0h | Test Keyboard | Enable the keyboard interrupt by fail display Errormessage |
60h | Test RAM | by Fail Display failed RAM location |
62h | Test Main RAM | Test memory from 2k till end by Fail display Errormessage |
C3h | Test for a Gamecard | |
D0h | Inits floppy drive | by ok try to boot otherwise Display Errormessage |
FFh | power up ready | We got it! |
Last Update: 24.05.2022